Ethiopia has become the axis of inhumanity within a year


Annual report from the minorities

Ethiopia has become the axis of inhumanity within a year

Before we present the report, the mother of integration, tolerance, unity and peace prays,

Peace for the country

Peace for the citizens

Peace for the boroughs and villages

Peace for the children wondering and playing around!

We beg the creator to protect us from tsunami of tribal conflicts, and give us tranquility and peace!

Slightly over a year ago, the outside world has patted the back of the new prime minister for taking extreme actions and bringing some unthinkable political changes in Ethiopia. In fact, he has gone against political odds: released indiscriminately criminals and political prisoners, accommodated various political parties and reconciled with neighboring countries appearing to colorfully paint the road to freedom and democracy.  Hopes were high for freedom, equity and equality. But, a year on, it is seemingly accidental change and fame seeking leadership in Ethiopian history. A leadership that ignores the tragic displacement of over 2 million citizens throughout the country; and at the same time favors its tribal expansion agenda. Such is the beginning of superficial good governance in the country!

It appears that in the name of Ethiopia and togetherness, everyone with Ethiopian DNA melted a year ago by the speeches of the new prime minister in promoting the concepts of integration, unity and co-existence. Everyone was engulfed with the euphoria of ‘Ethiopia First and equally for all’ in the context of equity and equality for its 83+ social groups. But, it is political theory and the rhetoric is translated on the ground as expansionism agenda of the lead tribe through confiscating of lands and properties, as well as, displacing people who lived in harmony for centuries! This is the reality! The current political environment is chaos of its highest order!

This gospel of Ethiopian-ness had disappeared in thin air within a year. The hopes, the aspirations and the expected political sanitations gone amuck. Ethiopia is currently experiencing what it has not seen in the last many odds years.

No security,
No rule of law and order,
No stability,
Stagnant development,
High unemployment rate among the youth,
Rapid deteriorations of social life, and decohesion among its peoples.

Unbelievable! Ethiopia has become the axis of distrust and inhumanity. Various documented evidences show that the tsunami of the so-called majority politics has hit hard most of the minorities in all aspects of life, and hence no viable peace in the country now! It is the making of the leadership through its hypnotical and hypocritical governance.

The leadership does not have any roadmap nor direction to get out of such assoredt social, political and economic crises. No substantiated actions to the road to peace and development recovery.  In fact, it has turned the country into hotbed of tribal conflicts by shooting its own feet. Brothers, sisters, relatives and neighbors have turned against one another! Behold not Ethiopia to become another African genocide story.

The conflict among the so-called three giant ethnic groups, Oromo, Amhara and Tigray, has left most of the minorities in disarray or uncertainty. When the elephants fight the grass suffers! From the minorities point of view, Ethiopia has currently the worst kind of leadership, worst that authoritarian regime. The authoritarian regime had at least guaranteed security and stability. The current Ethiopian leadership is deceptive individually or collectively. All its intention and actions are tribalistic and two-faced governance. It practically favors its own ethnic group for administrative positions and upholds expansionist policy violently. It continues to deceive others in the name of Ethiopian for all with equity and equality.

The evils that are happening in Ethiopia can be distinguished here by three signs – (1) selfish tribal superiority or inferiority complex, (2) arrogance (a feeling of being Ethiopia’s political messiah) and (3) knowingly dishonoring truth out of spite or seeing ugliness where there is beauty. The most dangerous form of governance on earth. This makes the leadership the axis of political evil and inhumanity.

As a matter of fact, where there is no security, no stability and no peace; there is no basic requirements for legitimate election and human rights leading to democracy. The vote of the majority does not mean anything, when the majority are blind and emotionally implementing tribalistic agenda which is supported by the current government camouflaged policy.

Let’s just pose and ponder! How does the majority become a curse or a blessing?

Considering roughly the same population size, compare Ethiopia, Nigeria and Japan.  An illiterate majority is always a curse since it is emotional, non-productive and inefficient leading to poverty. Because of its numbers only, its vote creates flawed democratic system, where equity and equality, human rights are not respected; however, educated and socially enlightened majority is a blessing for a country since it believes in equity and equality, fair human rights, as well as, it is production oriented effectively.

Having reported the current situations surrounding the minorities in Ethiopia, this report also recommends to current leadership the following.

  1. Stop political deceptions. Recognizing and protecting the rights of the majority of the minorities.
  2. Stop pushing the agenda of structural changes of the minority. No expansion, invasions, displacement and assimilation.
  3. We Ethiopians are always thankful to the Creator. Adopt natural phenomenon, diversity in creation and unity in action. This is integration and harmony based on humanity! The remedy for Ethiopian political ills is integration based on equity and equality. Integration is typically defined as incorporating individuals from different groups into a society as equals, while assimilation is generally defined as adopting the ways of another culture and fully becoming part of a different society.  Referring to a course module from Cardiff University, a culinary metaphor to explain the difference between integration and assimilation was used. Assimilation is rather like the process of making soup, where the ingredients lose their identity as they are blended together. Integration can be likened to a fruit salad where the individual fruits, with their varying colors and sizes contribute to the beauty of the dish, and
  4. Define being Ethiopian correctly. It is neither assimilation nor marginalization any social group. But, upholding integrated Ethiopia through respect for various cultures, traditions, languages and religions no matter how small or big the social groups are. Harmony is born from diversity glued by humanity. ‘I am because you are, you are because I am.’ Then, we are all Ethiopians and become Ethiopia when we die.’

Mind you! These recommendations are from the minorities and they are timely. The implantations require only Good Will and Sincerity of the leadership. Until we meet in our next report, wishing all Ethiopians safe and peaceful year.