Understanding Harar’s Historical Turning Points in Ethiopia
Are they lessons and determinants of the future of Harar and the diaspora?
Written by Professor Abdi Khalil
We at IHMS found this article presented at Harari Town Hall meeting in Dallas on Saturday, July 6, 2019 very important, timely and educational for all Hararis around globe. We hereby present the information to our Harari and non-Harari audiences around the globe to have wider understanding and prospective about Harar so that misconception, misinformation and distortions of Harar’s history could be correctly understood, and most of all displaying the truth about Harar.
Let me begin by citing: Hararis beg to pose series of questions and seek answers to understand where Harar is heading within Ethiopia’s political journey and instability. What do we learn from Harar’s turbulent history? What determines its political discourse? What are the obstacles for both Harar and the Diaspora? What are our responsibilities to carry on with our values and history as a community or state?
These are some questions floating in the minds of Hararis worldwide. Superb questions! Showing concerns, preparations and dire needs for unity and actions from all Hararis globally. The answers to these questions are multi-dimensional, layered and intricate. Perhaps the answers could internally be compounded and found in our mind-sets, conscious levels, determinations, commitments and social fabrics; as well as, external forces undermining our values through deceptions, hypocrisy, ignorance, arrogance, misinformation, distortions and inhumanity.
Generally, the secular education teaches us that the fate of a nation, a state or a country won’t be decided on a battlefield, it will finally be determined in the minds and hands of its people. One would think, it might be at the mercy of the governing authorities. Yes, but only temporarily! But, its destiny is always in the hands of its people. Likewise, the future of Harar is also in our hands, if and only if we concentrate in our unity and actions to protect our identity, integrity and continuity; setting aside all our superficial and petty differences that put Harar, at first, in its current ill-fated conditions. Each and every one of us are directly or indirectivity responsible for Harar’s currently under development and political turmoil. Admittingly, internal weaknesses among Hararis at home and in diaspora created a fertile ground in Harar for external disgruntled and ignorant hypes committing assorted inhumane activities against its people, as well as vying for its destruction.
Mind you, the year 2018 is a huge political alarm and turning point in Ethiopia. It is a wakeup call for all minorities in Ethiopia; just like any other wakeup calls and turning points in Harar’s history. In recent memories, Harar had gone through many tragedies, but came out triumphantly with its then resilient population supported by its surrounding communities in faith and humanity. Hararis reinvested themselves in a timely manner to curb the destructive forces then. What were the destructive forces and the turning points, and what lessons can we learn from the past experiences. The main 4 turning points and experiences could be listed in a nutshell as follows:
1. The Chelenqo battle (1887) - though the battle was won by the then invader, Emperor Menelik; he could not capture Amir Abdullahi to claim complete victory on Harar. Amir Abudallhi was re-organizing, recuperating and regrouping his army with the surrounding anti-Menelik forces; and Menelik fearfully noticed Amir’s reorganizing ability and come back, and hence instead of fighting the Amir again; he alternatively offered him to sign a treaty for the continuity of Harar as semi-sovereign state. A treaty with six points (three of which were ‘keeping Harari properties and lands intact, keeping public security, and the rights to practice its religion freely’) were signedfor the continuation of Harar until its next turning point with unjust Ethiopian empire; 2. Longitudinal resistance (1945 – 1974) – like any other internally colonized nation and nationalities by Emperor Halie Selassie, Harar had fought ‘cold war’ with the unjust empire till 1974. The Emperor unabatingly hated and discriminated against Harar and Hararis because of their religion and their activities as a hub of Islamic faith in Ethiopia. The Emperor had resorted to all type of abuses, be it confiscating lands, properties, conversion of Islamic schools into secular schools, demolition of mosques, imprisonment of patriotic Hararis, as well as, restlessly attempted to eradicate Harari values and virtues. Harari values might have been diminished but the religion grew in leaps and bounds across the country! Harar and Hararis survived the extended destructive agendas with their internal Khulub movement (non-violent Harar resistance groups), and united Harari personalities struggled against miscarriage of justice; finally, the struggle reached its peak with international audiences, which pressurized Emporor Haile Selassie to have treaty with Hararis, saving Harar and Hararis until its next turn point again; 3. Ethiopia’s Military junta and Socialist government (1974 – 1991) - like all nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, Harar had also faced and gone through ill-conditioned ideology and forceful marginalization of its culture, language and traditions. The military and socialist era had undermined Harari’s unity and partially reduced its population via way internal displacement and exiles, which formed the Harari diaspora around the globe. The unprecedented displacement and exiles had eroded Harari values, and its next generation becoming engendered species abroad. However, the diaspora is safe and secured, but has largely been disgruntled with strange lifestyles, and at same time struggling to keep its identity, religion, virtues and values in strange lands; also, there was relentless efforts and connection to Harar using the opportunity created in the last decades until the unprecedented incidences of reformation in 2018 as the fourth turning point in Harar’s history. 4. Ethiopia’s ethnocentric governance and so-called reformation era (2018 - present) – in the realm of ignorance, deceptive governance and miscarriage of justice against the minorities in Ethiopia, Harar is hit hard with assorted abuses, harassments, and confiscation of its lands in the last year or so. Its political future is filled with uncertainty, but its destiny is in our hands to curb and reclaim our rights. We must stop the existential threats to determine our political, social and economic destiny in the current tribalistic governance and political instability through collective actions. Government comes and goes; but people-to-people relationships and coexistence are things of sustenance and stability. United we stand! All these journeys vividly implying that Harar was autonomous and sovereign state. We can learn several lessons to redirect our energies and efforts to determine Harar’s future and the diaspora. First, asking ourselves, why are we here today in the name of KUBA 2019 (Harari Football Tournament 2019)? We must go beyond kicking the ball, entertainments, passing time and comforting one another in this culturally depressing continent! The Town Hall Meeting is educational, informative, understanding and crucial in solidifying our unity and struggle for Harar’s political future. Harar’s calamities and challenges have bonded us more than ever. It is blessings in disguise. But, we must keep the momentum of working together until we see changes in ourselves and in Harar at large. Regardless of some superficial differences and shortcomings we had experienced in the last decade, currently all Hararis must repeat their ancestral perseverance and heroic determination to determine Harar’s fate in the current Ethiopia’s political, social and economic discourses. We need a combination of the mind-sets of the 700 newly-wed martyrs (heroic sacrifice of Sati Beqla Aruzach) with 21st century alliance, speed and proactive actions! Organized, united, focused, result-oriented, and bound with courage, determination, perseverance and divine consciousness. Let me remind you and remind myself, the Qur’an teaches us ‘Allah never changes the condition of a people unless they strive to change themselves.’ Based on this divine constitutional verse, I would like to recommend the following short and long term assorted political, social and economic resolutions to help ourselves, the next generation in Harar and in the diaspora, which ultimately determine the destiny of Harar. 1. No one can make you change No one can stop you from changing No one really knows how you must change, But the time has come to change, To reinvest yourself so that You can save yourself, your family Hararis and Harar at large 2. Let’s get back to divine principles Follow our fathers, mothers, Forefathers, foremothers and Harari heroes To have glory, prosperity and unity amongst us 3. Get involved in any Harari community proactively, Have positive intentions; Focus on Hararis and Harar That is what the mother land calls for 4. Rebuild capacities and empower! Be guided and guide Learn, teach and lead; Not force, hate and compel Avoid self-destructive attitudes and repel 5. Get organized, and be an active member for Harar’s cause Trust and avoid suspicion within and among us; Do whatever you do for the sake of Allah That has both worldly and the hereafter rewards 6. Provide regular charity and education as ordained For those economically disabled elders, Physically challenged brothers and sisters Politically unarmed local citizens Create employment opportunities For all affiliates and Harari youngsters 7. Collaborate with the surrounding communities Revive muti-generational connections with Harar Connecting people-to-people locally and internationally With Oromos, Argobas, Afar, Somalies, Amharas, Gurageas, Hadiya, Seelteas and the 80+ social groups; As we are all humans, having in common humanity To have basis for peace, prosperity and continuity 8. Follow and support collective leadership at the forefront As we are ashore and not in touch with Harar’s realities; Guard your own family’s conduct and build Harari institutions Otherwise, the consequences are non-existential for all of us 9. Let’s not indulge in rhetoric help only Let’s learn from Harari Australian’s actions and deeds, Practical, timely and focused activities; Be it with the leadership, the youth and the community Emulating the epitome and historic bloodless conquest of Mecca Summing up their success with targeted remedy with humility All in all, the future of Harar is in our hands, especially with high involvement of the Harari intelligentsia, be it secular or religious, by taking full responsibilities with the support from all segments of its population. The welfare and development of Harar, and its peace and existence must be secured through (1) reviving Islamic religious schools tandemly with secular education systems, (2) the improvement of the health and living conditions of its people; (3) empowering of its people’s (especially the young and the women) in education and economic spheres; (3) revitalizing Harari political and social institutions at all levels; (4) enhancing political power in alliance with neighboring nation and nationalities, as well as searching for the lost tribes of Harar; and (5) collective, selfless, timely communications and actions across the Harari communities worldwide.
Remember our consistent actions and timely deeds speak louder that our numbers. Get involved, engaged, committed, organized and make Harar glorious again!
Aselam aleykum wa’rahmatulahi wabarakatu