IHMS Special Commentary

Bismilahi Rahamani Rahim

This is a special commentary in memory of Murad Zekeria, who was IHMS anchor and dedicated Harari activist for the causes of Harar and Ethiopia, at large. Harar has lost one of its pragmatic activists and humanitarians. Gessi Murad Zekeria passed away on 9th January 2023 in Memphis, Tennessee. May Allah grant him the highest heaven, Janatul Ferdous. Our heartfelt and deepest condolence to his family, relatives, and friends. May Allah strengthen their Imaan and patience in these trying times.

As a reminder, IHMS celebrated its 4th anniversary on 19 January 2023. In the last 4 years, IHMS has reflected the resilience of the Harari people and their dedication to sustaining Harar. Also, the Dallas conference demonstrated and confirmed the dedication, determination, commitment, and resilience of the Harari people worldwide. This special comment is all about our reflections and the lessons we have learned from the First Worldwide Harari Cultural, Heritage, and Language Revival Conference. The conference took place in Dallas from 23-25 December 2022. It is a conference that aimed to encourage generational destiny and bring Hararis and the like together.

First of all, we sincerely thank the Harari Dallas Community, the organizers, the presenters, the entertainers, and all the participants worldwide, who participated virtually and in person.

To begin with, ‘No matter how far a stream flows, it will never forget its source!’ This is a profound Harari characteristic!

For many young Harari first-generation living in the diaspora, this conference was an eye-opener for many. An eye-opener to realize who they are, where they come from, and how to keep Harari values intact and practice them wherever they are. It is an eye-opener to understand the diverse Harari communities globally. An eye-opener to network with Harari communities and connect to Harar. It is an eye-opener to support and contribute to Harari communities and organizations. It is an eye-opener to revive Harari values worldwide. Most of all, it is an eye-opener on how to sustain Harar!

The conference was a super gathering, well-organized, and brought diverse and well-rounded messages from highly educated, experienced, talented, and determined Hararis. It was a conversation among well-articulated and open-minded Harari youth in the diaspora.

Today, we would like to share some of the reflections and the lessons we have learned to revive and preserve Harari values – the language (Sinanzeaw), the religion (Deenzeaw), and the culture (Aadazeaw), together. Reviving the Harari heritage, as a whole, was the core activity of the conference. Here are our special ten reflections and the lessons we have learned from this par-excellence conference!


1.      The Genesis of Harar!

Among the many distortions of the history of Harar, and misrepresentations nowadays, Harar is still the warm heart of Ethiopia with divine hospitality. It is the land of indigenous people. Harar had a chain of 76 Kings and Queens! Though annexed forcefully in 1887, Harar not only contributed to, and shaped modern Ethiopia but also championed Islamic values in East Africa. As the fourth Islamic city in the world, it remains a radiant city-state and the Mecca of the Nation. Remember what George Orwell said, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their understanding of their own history.” Harar needs us more than ever!

2.      The Mission for all the Generations

The mission for all the generations including this generation is to restore, nurture and preserve Harar’s values (Ge’y Harda Nurzeaw) – Sinanzeaw (the language), Aadazea (the culture) wa Deenzeaw (the religion) wherever we are.  A reflection of who an individual Harari is, and who we are collectively.

3. Awakening and busting ignorance

As one of our forefathers, Haji Khalil Edriss Abougn (May Allah grant him the highest Jenna), said, “It is the awakening in the inner depth of the heart that awakens the realms of appreciation of own strength and values. Both ignorance of own values and the veneer of modern cultural civilization enslave the mind. Do not be your own destruction guide. Be yourself by nurturing, preserving, and sustaining home characteristics, wherever you are, based on the greatest constitution, Al-Qurán.” We need such Islamic and Harari consciousness. Harari heritage is Islamic in nature, and let our foundation be Al-Qur’an, wherever we are!

4. The importance of identity

Self-identity is the definition of who we are.

  1. It defines us.
  2. It defines how we see and interact with, other human beings.
  3. It defines us as a human.
  4. It defines how we see and interact with, the world itself.

In a word or so, self-identity is you. In the real sense that can be. It is your story. It is our story. It tells us and, in turn, the world who, what, when, why, and how we are.

Every person has a story. Each story has more than one part, as Harar and Hararis have many parts of their story. Remember, HARAR HARDA NURZEAW! Harari values are the stories; the foods we might enjoy such as Hulbut merakh, Waqalim, Kahkah, Daalen, and Mulawah! The unique attire we put on. The jewelry we wear! The words we utter! Remember what a colonialist said, “The best way to destroy a community or a country is to marginalize and assimilate so that effectively dissolving and diluting its language and culture.” Let’s not fall into such a trap!

5.      Working as a team

No one will stand up for Harar unless we stand up for ourselves. Every Harari, old or young, professional or non-professional, rich or poor, man or woman, should get involved in your community and link with Harar. Support and participate in community activities to save ourselves, especially the young in Harar and elsewhere! Let’s forge forward together! Unity is power when we act on it only!

6.   Hats off to Harari Women!

Harar is the heartland of peace in Ethiopia, and Harari women are the heart of Harar. They shape and sustain Harari values in the households, communities, and Harar, at large. They are the inspiration and the powerhouse.

Look around you, name it: Ayach Afocha (Mothers association), Aada Gar (Harari living room), Belechu (Wedding), Moya Gar (Skills development house), Baha Gar (Finance House), Mottach (Basketries work), Gey eraz (Cultural attires), Gey genafi (Harari ladies’ trousers), Gey kofia (men’s head gear) and Gey senan (the Harari language). Most Harari legacies are defined, activated, functional, and preserved because of them. Absolutely, most of these legacies are the production and products of Harari women. With the constant trials and tribulations Harar and Hararis are facing, the overwhelming Harari values would have not lasted, nurtured, and preserved without them. Let’s work with these noble Harari women as they are the soul of Harari society locally, nationally, and internationally.

7.      Caring and Sharing!

The Harari youth are involved in charitable activities such as helping the elders, the needy, the destitute, and the helpless; they need to be supported to sustain such activities; mind you poverty is rampant in Harar and especially among Harari elders; believe it or not, every 1 in 4 households is poor! It is time to intensify our charitable activities and support charitable organizations like HARARI AMANA FOUNDATION and AaSAS INTERNATIONAL. It is high time to financial and technical support our museums like ABDELA SHERIF MUSEUM. It is high time to financially support the only virtual library, EVERYTHING HARAR. Also, there is a dire need to establish educational and economic development organizations to bring about meaningful change in Harar. A community, without organized education, knowledge, and economic institution, is voiceless. It will be lost forever. Let’s technically, financially, and morally support such organizations for the sake of Allah.

8.      Where the Harar hope is!

The hope is with the Harari youth. The youth has shown dynamic leadership. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for all Hararis. It is very encouraging to see Harari youth groups who are fully in the present, and in touch with the reality on the ground. These Harari youth groups are positive and forward-looking. As proactive members of the communities, they have come up with action plans. They openly sought understanding from their parents. They also sought help from Hararis of all walks of life to fill in the gaps and their shortcomings. Throughout their discussions, they articulated the urgency of the need for timely actions. They encapsulated the now and they displayed vividly the unprecedented conditions of Hararis that need immediate attention and actions worldwide. The youth have the courage and the resilience to do such activities. Together, sustaining Harari values for the coming years, if not centuries, is our destiny worldwide.

9. We have talked about the walk, but let’s walk the talk now!

Hararis must support one another (Haraaqa mesata), be concerned for one another (Tahsibot), reserve and handle emotions and impulses (Hadi), not rush for judgment (Atibalalu), have and respect the cultural code of conduct (Hala wa Amal), counsel and advise (Hirgi wa mirgi), control anger and have the discipline (Hirar wa Adeb), behave (Namus) and respect oneself and others (Hayae). All these imply that the further we walk away from divine principles, the closer we will be to self-destruction.

Note that these are the fundamental homegrown social Harari values. These were the activities combined with divine principles that enabled our forefathers and foremothers to reach the Golden Age of their era. As such, we can also practice the same principles to walk from fear to actions, from disorganization to cooperation, and from disunity to unity to revive Harar. Restoration of Harar relies on the youth to reach to the 21st century Golden Age of Harar. If it is not now, and if it is not the Hararis and partners; who will make Harar glorious again?

10. Building up the new Golden Age of Harar!

The courage we have. The resilience we need. Let’s galvanize our unity to preserve our identity against all odds. Against the current rampant externalities – the political mafias, relentless anarchists, sleepless land predators, and genocidal criminals that want to dehumanize the Hararis and dismantle Harar.

Against all these odds, we have to be more organized and connected to one another to counter existential threats. Today, we must collectively confront political and social injustices. Tackle economic disturbances. We need to remind ourselves to show our best human qualities to ourselves and to others. Muslim Ethiopians are our backbone who always struggle with us and defend the fountain of Islamic knowledge, the City of Peace. Our devotion to all communities and Harar’s causes must be our priority, undeterred task, and legacy.

Last but not least, without Harar’s values and historical knowledge, our revival, restoration, and survival could be in danger.

The historical messages are simple and clear

Tradition, culture, and faith cannot be inherited

Nor transferred through genes,

Nor transfused through blood vessels,

Nor transplanted as organs,

Nor painted on the faces,

Nor grafted in the bones,

But, must be obtained by great efforts,

For its continuity to the next generations

Ge’y harda nur’zeaw Amana!

Ge’y Haraka, Kuluzolea Beraka

Written by Professor Abdi Khalil and narrated by Nesub.

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Thank you again for listening and watching IHMS programs.

Aselam Aleykum